We are happy to assist you! Contact us for a no-obligation consultation.
+49 (0) 7621 154 29 20
Eberhard Freiensehner, Managing director
hello world!
Großer Saal mit Bühne und Zuschauern auf dem Netapp Insight Event 2014 in Berlin

Customised participant management for events

Customised service for smooth processes and with a personal contact person

We offer event participant management with 360-degree service and take care of all tasks: We send out invitations, design landing pages, offer telephone support, create participant lists, take care of controlling & more! Whatever you need for your attendee management - we offer a customised service with a personal contact person, so that smooth processes are guaranteed!


Our participant management at a glance:


  • Creation of web forms and landing pages
  • Sending invitations by e-mail or post
  • Creation of participant lists
  • Response control and synchronisation of participant data
  • Processing of invoices & controlling
Event inquiry assistant

Event participant management
The highlights of our 360-degree service

Event Landingpage als digitale Einladung für die Citrix Technology Exchange 2018

Landing page & web forms

Customised design and fast delivery. Our web expertise gives you the guarantee that everything will work.

Digitale Einladung zum After Work Event von Citrix, gelayoutet auf Smartphone, Tablet und Computer

Multi-level invitations

For your guest management, we offer the multiple dispatch of invitations and the sending of reminder emails.

Anmeldeformular auf der Landingpage von IGEL für die anstehende Roadshow

List export

We can create and provide you with up-to-date participant lists at any time. If you wish, you can also export the lists yourself.

Citrix Team an einem Stand der Hausmesse auf der Partner Accelerator 2017

Personalised service

Our participant management is characterised by a personal individual service. You will be assigned a dedicated contact person who you can turn to at any time.

Landingpage der Digitalen Jubiläumseinladung mit Menü von CityClean
Anmeldungslandingpage der Preisverleihung von Savetibet
Landingpage für der IGEL Roadshow 2024
Event Landingpage als digitale Einladung für die Citrix Technology Exchange 2018

Customised participant management: 1. online registration

We design a landing page with a web form for the registration process to suit your requirements. We take care of creation, maintenance, data export and more! This means you have no extra work and can be sure that everything works as it should. On request, we can provide you with personalised access to the online participant management system. This allows you to view data and manage content yourself. However, most customers prefer us to manage the event. In this case, we provide you with participant lists and user data and customise forms and content as required.


  • Online participant management with customised administration by us
  • User-friendly online registration with standard or customised forms
  • Simple dispatch as a link or QR code
Landingpage mit Registrierung für Praxistag der Ladungssicherung von DEKRA
Registrierungs Startseite für die IGEL Roadshow 2024
Registrieungslandingpage der Digitalen Jubiläumseinladung von CityClean
Registrieungslandingpage der Preisverleihung von Savetibet

Customised participant management: 2nd data management

If required, we can take over the entire administration of your participant data! We record the return of invitations, export participant lists from the online participant management system and synchronise the data. In all of this, we guarantee 100% data protection. We rely on secure server structures in Germany, where your participant data is safe. With our service, you can rely on proven quality without any unwanted surprises.


  • Administration of participant data by us
  • Online participant management with server structures in Germany
  • 100% protection of participant data
Willkommens Roll-up bei der SAS Roadshow in Wien
Empfangsbereich auf dem Partner Accelerator Event von Citrix
Registrierung beim Partner Accelerator Event von Citrix
Registrierung der Gäste beim Partner Accelerator Event von Citrix

Customised participant management: 3. invoicing & controlling

As a 360-degree participant management provider, we also offer the invoicing of participant fees as part of our service. As the company's own accounting department is often busy and has little capacity for additional attendee management, we take this administrative work off your hands. Billing processes can be easily integrated into our digital participant management system. This gives you a regular overview of the number of participants, the current event account balance and the participation fees received. This makes registration convenient for your guests and relieves your own resources.


  • Complete invoice processing by us
  • Participant management with integrated payment system
  • Regular controlling with real-time data

Attendee management - simply trouble-free

Good participant management is crucial for any successful event. This makes it all the more important to have this sensitive component professionally organised. Our 360-degree service keeps an eye on everything. We have many years of experience in the event sector and in attendee management, so we can offer you comprehensive expertise. This ensures that all processes from invitation to registration run smoothly and that participant data is recorded correctly and securely. As an attendee management provider, we take the pressure off your internal event team and ensure that processes run smoothly.

  • We offer professional attendee management with a 360-degree service
  • Web expertise, data management & optimal security of attendee data guaranteed
  • Smooth processes from registration to participant list creation and controlling

Professional attendee management with personalised service

In our experience, many event departments are overwhelmed by the task of creating and managing a digital attendee management system. After all, it is a complex topic. We rely on the right expertise on the one hand and a personal service on the other. Our team consists of web developers, event managers, media experts and more - we offer you exactly the expertise that every attendee management system requires. We also provide you with a personal contact person who will oversee your project from start to finish, stay in contact with you and respond quickly at all times. This personalised service ensures that your attendee management is always well looked after!

  • Personal contact person for every participant management project
  • Short communication channels and fast response times
  • Individual all-round support

What makes our 360-degree attendee management so special?

In contrast to pure software providers, we can offer you all services related to participant management. We take care of creating customised forms, maintaining content and sending out invitations by e-mail or post. We take care of participant data, create participant lists and synchronise data. In addition, we offer many individual services such as telephone support, invoice processing, hosting and more. In all of this, you will have a personal contact person at your side who will take care of all aspects of your attendee management.

Is digital participant management compliant with data protection regulations?

The security of your contacts' and attendees' data is important to you - and to us too. That's why data protection is our top priority. You can rely on our server infrastructure in Germany. We manage your data reliably and only for as long as you wish. So your participant data is in good hands with us.

How do I get my participant data?

We offer you the export and creation of participant lists, which we will then send to you. On request, we can also provide you with direct access to the data management system so that you can view and export this data yourself.

What does a typical attendee management system consist of?

Our participant management usually consists of the following services:

1. landing page: A website or web form on which participants can register. If required, additional functions such as a payment function can be integrated.
2. invitation management: The sending of invitations by e-mail or post, possibly in several stages, which contain a link or QR code to the landing page.
3. recording of participant data: All data that comes in via the registration process is stored centrally in our backend. 4. create participant lists: We export the attendee data for you and make it available to you.
5. data synchronisation: We check the responses and synchronise them.
6. on-site support: If desired, we can take over the on-site registration of participants.
7. invoice processing & controlling: If ticket purchases or similar have to take place, we are happy to support you with invoice processing and control payments.
8. further individual services depending on requirements

What are the advantages of our digital participant management?

1. it is no longer necessary to maintain Excel lists manually. All participant data flows into a central backend. The data is bundled there and can be read out in real time.
2. you receive customised analyses and participant lists: How many participants have registered? Which workshops are in demand? How much turnover was generated?
3. participants can register quickly and easily and find out more about the event on the landing page.


Leading companies rely on the know-how of commacross.

  • "I have been working successfully with the commacross team for almost 10 years. Always fresh ideas for emotional live communication, perfect organisation and high personal commitment. That's fun and ensures really good event feedback from our customers."

    Portrait von Mathias Büttner

    Mathias Büttner, Citrix
    Marketing Director for Central Europe

  • "For years we have appreciated the creativity and commitment of commacross. Especially with the highlight productions and the digital media for our flagship fairs. The team does a really good job."

    Portrait von Ramona Augusto
    Ramona Augusto, Bitzer
    Head of Events, Digital Media and Promotions
  • “Commacross has been our partner for the development of media and the design of our exhibition stand since 2019. We appreciate the creative dialogue and smooth collaboration."

    Portrait von Kerstin Löffler
    Kerstin Löffler, Faller Packaging
    Head of Marketing & Innovation
  • "Commacross provided us with excellent support for the presentation of world firsts at the ISH trade fair. Innovative media technology, attractive content, and a strong staging."
    Portrait von Peter Schönenberger
    Peter Schönenberger, Sauter
    Head of Marketing and Product Management
  • "Our 50th AUMA anniversary was a very, very big success for customers, partners and employees. The imaginative event concept and the targeted project management over almost two years were the guarantee for this."
    Markus Zeller, AUMA
    Head of Advertising
  • "Eberhard Freiensehner and his team are an important agency partner for us. Digitalisation is a big challenge for Zehnder and commacross offers diverse solutions for successful marketing at trade fairs and events."
    Portrait von Heiko Braun
    Heiko Braun, Zehnder Group Deutschland
    Managing Director
  • "Commacross offers innovative trade fair communication. We use the trade fair app from commacross for internal team briefings. A great solution for faster communication."
    Portrait von Waldemar Witulski
    Waldemar Witulski, ZF
    Consultant Trade Fairs and Exhibitions
  • "Already in the first talks we had a very good feeling and have not been disappointed. Commacross is a partner for the future."
    Jan Friedrich, Bucher Hydraulics
    Head of Marketing
  • "Commacross is a fast, flexible and always committed partner. An agency you can always rely on."
    Sandra Parpan, ARGO-HYTOS GmbH
    Group Marketing Service & Communication
  • "The development of the interactive WebApp product presentation worked great with commacross. The WebApp ran stably all three days at the fair; we had no downtimes."
    Stephan Dürr, Hummel AG
    Head of Marketing & Communications

Inquiry assistant

Thank you for your inquiry - we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
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